The Green Immunity Booster is a powerful recipe designed to support your immune system and nourish your body. Packed with a combination of refreshing ingredients, this smoothie offers a delightful blend of flavors while providing essential nutrients.
The ingredients found in the Green D-Tox 1-step smoothie pucks are carefully curated to nourish and support your overall health. The 7 superfood greens include barley grass, spirulina, wheatgrass, broccoli, chlorella, kale, spinach which are known to be rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. They can aid in detoxification, provide anti-inflammatory properties and boost the immune system. They are also known to contribute to heart, eye and bone health. As if that’s not enough, the omega-3 fatty acids found in the pucks are known to support brain function, heart health, and reduce inflammation in the body.
Adding the additional ingredients to this already nutrient rich puck is sure to keep you going…and going…and going throughout your day.